Scheduling a Racial Taboo™ Event
Racial Taboo™ Events show a very special film to help black and white community members begin meaningful conversations about things racial. Here’s what members of communities are saying.
Racial Taboo Events require three things: 1) A racially diverse audience; 2) An hour or more for an audience discussion after the film and; 3) A contribution to the Racial Taboo Initiative. These contributions can be financial and non-financial or a combination.

Racial Taboo™ Events show a very special film to help black and white community members begin meaningful conversations about things racial. Here’s what members of communities are saying.
Racial Taboo Events require three things: 1) A racially diverse audience; 2) An hour or more for an audience discussion after the film and; 3) A contribution to the Racial Taboo Initiative. These contributions can be financial and non-financial or a combination.
Scheduling an Event at a Local Theater Near You
Setting up a showing at a local theater is easy and has no cost to you. As the event sponsor you will even make a little money. First, request a showing at our partner where their website will walk you through the process. Then pre-sell the minimum number of tickets (usually about 70-80) and your showing will be scheduled at a theater near you.
Scheduling an Event at a Location of Your Choice
You can set up a Racial Taboo event at a location of your choice by contacting us.
There are two contribution options: 1) A financial contribution (which is always helpful) or; 2) Performance of services in lieu of payment (we call it Pay-it-Forward “Services”)or in combination of both. We ask that organizations who can afford to make a financial contribution select this option. This initiative has significant on-going expenses. We cover these expenses with Racial Taboo Event sponsor contributions and from donations.
Financial Contribution Option
The required contribution for having a Racial Taboo Event is $375 for venues with 50 or fewer seats and scales up to $750 for venues with 200 or more seats – plus expenses (if there are any). Organizations often find sponsors to cover all or part of the cost of an event. Everyone on the staff is is a volunteer and all of the funds received go directly to the moving this initiative forward.
Pay-it-Forward “Services” Option
Because we have a limited staff and financial resources, the Pay-it-Forward services option allows us to helps the Racial Taboo Initiative to help more communities. If this option is selected, the specific service contributions will be agreed upon prior to finalizing an event date. It allows organizations to make a smaller financial contribution (usually up to 50% of the event cost, but not less than $375) by providing the Racial Taboo initiative with much-needed services and visibility.
Racial Taboo Events Are Currently Being Scheduled in Eleven States and Growing!